Flaunt your color-contrast creativity with the unique coppery-orange-gold foliage of this exciting, EASY to grow succulent. Compact, trailing & ground-covering “Coppertone Stonecrop” grows to only 8” tall, but spreads densely to 2’-3’ across, making it a great choice for a filler or front of bed edger, especially when combined with other colorful trailers like ruby leaved Sedum ‘Voodoo’. Nice in combo containers & hanging baskets, too. Brightest color comes from growing in full sun. Slightly scented white flower clusters appear in Spring. Do provide well-drained soil. You can cut it back anytime to refresh, or limit its size. An annual side-dress of compost keeps it looking perfect for many years. Hardy to 28° F!
Sedum nussbaumerianum