the genus peperomia contains more than 1,000 members and some of them are popular houseplants because they do not demand a huge amount of care. the emerald ripple peperomia (peperomia caperata)is native to central america. it has dark green, heart shaped leaves. but there are cultivars available with red or pink, green and white splashes on their leaves.
the green emarald ripple peperomia can be located from bright (with some morning and/or evening sun) to light shaded. the colored cultivars are doing best on a bright position. if placed too dark, they can loose their color.
a good regular potting mix can be used. keep it evenly moist but not wet. sitting in water can cause rotten roots. the drying of the soil’s surface will be tolerated.
peperomia caperata can be fed monthly (spring/summer) with a half dulited water soluble fertilizer. if placed at room temperature in fall/winter it can be given every six to eight weeks.
it likes room temperature the year round, with a winter minimum of approx. 15 °c/59 °f. at this temperature range, watering can be reduced and there is no need to feed.
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