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Kumquat Calamondin

Fortunella Species

Buy Kumquat Calamondin

Evergreen, ideal for tubs. Fruit decorative, used for marmalade, liqueurs or candying.

Calamondins are similar to very small mandarins. They have loose bright orange skins and can be made into a delicious marmalade, candied or used in liqueurs. Trees are both ornamental and perfumed, blossoming in Sping.

Calamondins can be recognized as different from round kumquats by their flowering time, kumquats flower in early Summer.

CONDITIONS: Plant into fertile, free draining soils in full sun. Sensitive to severe frost.

FOR BEST RESULTS: Feed with a citrus food and mulch using well rotted organic materials each Spring.

Kumquat Calamondin

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