Description: Kalanchoe synsepala is a perennials, stoloniferous species. It is beautiful but very variable and offer a huge diversity of shapes and sizes, the more common form has wide, grey-green, plastic-leaf form with bright green colouration and pink-purple margins. It produces annually 2 to 4 long stolons (like strawberry) with baby plants at the ends of long stems, which eventually trail attractively over the containers edge and bend down to the ground and take root, giving rise to its common name of "walking kalanchoe". The stolons produce themselves other stolons and forms large carpets of rosettes of various ages and sizes.
Stem: Short, woody, stout, always umbranched up to 40 cm tall, erect or decumbent.
Leaves: Few in terminal rosettes, large 6-15 mm long, 4-7 mm wide, sessile or subsessile, with the lower leaves opposite, sessile, broad oval to oblong-spatulate, fleshy, cupped, with purple band inside of marginal teeth. Glabrous to more or less fuzzy (especially new leaves). Margin entire, dentate or sometime dissected, tooth rigid. The leaf size and colour are variable, which results in a number of selected cultivars.
Inflorescences: Axillary, usually 2 opposite very dense corymbose cymes, 2-9 cm long. Peduncle hairy-glandular in the upper part, 15-30 cm long. Ped 3-12 mm.
Flowers: Tubular, very pale pink to reddish, small in dense terminal cymes.
Blooming season: September, October, November.
Seeds: Oblong, 1 mm long.
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